Courtney J. Loyd


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The Expert You Need

Hi, I’m Dr. Loyd. If you’re here and reading my bio, that says you’re looking for transformation! You’re probably interested in knowing whether I can really help you because you are tired of playing small and need someone to unlock the woman you know you were created to be! You’re likely also concerned about whether or not I’ll be able to understand your unique situation and what qualifications I have to help you. I’ll tell you all about my education, license, and certifications later, but for now, I want to help you decide if we’ll be a good fit.

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Here’s my personal truth…

It is my life’s purpose to help you walk in the fullness of who God created you to be without apology. I love working with Christian women have achieved success in many areas of their lives, but have found themselves in a challenging season, as we all do from time to time. I have a level of understanding that could only come through personal experience. I know what it’s like to have peace, one moment, then feel all over the place, the next. Through those intense moments of vacillating between my authentic self and being who I had learned to become for the sake of coping , I developed several pillars to help me navigate those tough times and strengthen my resilience, and I can help you do the same.

The truth is, I know first-hand what it’s like to feel isolated; like surely no other Christian woman is going through what you’re going through. I know what it’s like to have childhood issues lie dormant only to reappear in adulthood. Every time I get excited about being used by God, those past struggles and insecurities would come up. I get it! The good news is, I also know what it’s like to let God intervene, heal, and see things change for the better. I’d love to come along side and support you. Maybe you just need a trustworthy believer to navigate a tough decision, or a tough season with. Either way, I can help you create a life that thrives on purpose.

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Now here’s my professional truth…

I’ve been in the counseling and mental health field for 14 years. I’m also an full time psychology professor and I teach undergraduate courses at an HBCU.

I am proficient in working with a variety of women and girls, including those having issues with confidence, addiction, trauma, and faith-related issues.

I consider myself a cross between a counselor and a coach. I am equipped with the necessary skills to help women process and deal with underlying issues, but my treatment modality is strategic and solution-focused to help you achieve results faster than traditional counseling.

I am unapologetic about helping Christian women thrive. So, regardless of where you find yourself today, I am ready to walk with you!