This is Courtney…

Hey there, I’m Courtney!

I’m glad you’re here! I’m a marriage interventionist who helps couples heal from personal hurts, recover together, and thrive on purpose. I’m a licensed counselor with certifications in clinical trauma and rehabilitation counseling. I’m also uniquely positioned as a student and a teacher. Yep! I’m an adjunct professor of psychology at an HBCU and I’m nearing the end of my doctoral education. Whew!

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“Ironically, silence allows me to hear more clearly.”


Now, on to the fun stuff!

I’m a wife, mom, Christian, and lover of all things involving nature. I enjoy sitting outside in my rocking chair listening to the birds chirping, and if you throw in some water tones, I’m in heaven on earth! I also enjoy reading books about identity and purpose. You can usually find me in silence, whether it be sitting in my living room when the house is empty or driving to run errands. Ironically, silence allows me to hear more clearly.

All of those interests will likely spill over into my blogs. Topics you can expect to see include, identity, faith, purpose, dating, relationships, trauma, marriage, forgiveness, intimacy, and many more as I continue to develop as a blogger.

So, whether you find yourself, single, dating, engaged, married, or contemplating divorce, you will definitely find something of interest. I believe we all are only one decision away from a different life, and I hope you’ll join me on this journey to thriving on purpose.

- Courtney.


5 Reasons Why Marriage Is Hard