4 Tips To Improve Marriage Daily

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Let’s be honest, marriage is high maintenance. It’s not enough to simply wake up, eat dinner in front of the tv, and arbitrarily drift off to sleep. After reading this, you’ll discover new, yet simple ways to build intimacy and improve your marriage daily. Here are a few thoughts to get you there.


1. Talk Often

A great way to engage each other throughout the day is to call or text your spouse and ask about their drive to work. If possible, have a quick call around lunch to see how their day is going. You’ll be surprised at how often you have similar thoughts throughout the day. You can also chat on the way home from work. This is a great way to decompress before you get home which allows for my next tip.

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2. Embrace Daily

It’s hard to fully embrace (hug, kiss, etc.) when you’re exhausted and feel like you have nothing left to give. If you’re honest, you probably don’t want to be bothered at all! What’s great about embracing each other is that it doesn’t require words, but it communicates to your spouse that they are seen, heard, loved, and appreciated. It drops your guard and also helps with transitioning to the next phase of the evening whether that’s homework, housekeeping, or cooking.


You’ll also feel supported and less likely to feel overwhelmed and unappreciated.”


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3. Plan Dinner Together

I know, dinner is a heavy topic in marriage. What are we eating? Are we eating in, or dining out? Who’s cooking? Who’s driving? Trust me, I get it! Planning and even cooking dinner together is a great way to bond and talk about the day you guys have both had. You’ll also feel supported and less likely to feel overwhelmed and unappreciated.


4. Go to Bed Together

As much as possible, plan to go to bed at the same time. You can watch a show that you both enjoy, hold hands in bed, and talk about similar interests. This helps to build intimacy and trust which are essential. You’ll also start to create a sense of connectedness.



These tips can be incorporated as a part of your daily routine. The only requirements are intentionality and commitment which are necessary for any healthy marriage. For more great tips, sign up for my weekly blog below.

- Courtney


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